March 2009

It was a beautiful day on Saturday; blue skies and temperatures in the 60s. I got out for a 38.6 mile ride into Vestal, Apalachin, and just over the Pennsylvania border.

I stopped briefly at the Links at Hiawatha Landing to chat with John and Jill from work, who were at the course’s practice range.

Sure sign of spring: many of the ice cream shops are open! I passed 4 shops. Counting the times I passed some twice, I had 7 opportunities to stop for ice cream.

The new Apples have arrived!

An early graduation present for Thing 1—a MacBook— and an iMac to replace the house computer, which is just due to be replaced.

Now, if I only had time to set them up.

This past Saturday ushered in the outdoor riding season for me. It was just a short 9 mile ride and still a little on the cool side for this fair-weather rider.

It looks like ski season may be over. Bring on the warmer weather!